Spring Water vs Purified Water Comparison​

Prospective customers frequently want to know which water is better, purer, or tastes best.The short answer: Both our waters are free of impurities and harmful bacteria. Both our waters hydrate the body. The decision of Spring vs Purified water for most people comes down to a matter of taste.

In blind taste tests: ⅓ of people preferred our spring water; ⅓ of people preferred our purified water, ⅓ of people couldn’t tell the difference…and…100% thought both waters tasted better than our competition!

Spring Water Purified Water
pH Spring: 7.2 – slightly alkaline – Most people prefer the taste of slightly alkaline waters. Purified: 6.0 – mildly acidic – Once all minerals are removed in the purification process, carbon dioxide is readily absorbed from the air causing the water to become slightly acidic.
Minerals Spring water contains naturally occurring calcium, magnesium & zinc – recent studies by the World Health Organization indicate that people worldwide who drink water containing calcium & magnesium have a lower risk of heart disease and hypertension. Purified water contains absolutely no minerals – zero – zilch…just pure H2O.
Mineral Levels Spring water has low levels of naturally occurring minerals: to meet your daily RDA of calcium, you would have to drink 6 gallons; for magnesium 20 gallons per day. Purified water contains absolutely no minerals.
Impurities Spring water is totally free of impurities – tested daily in-house, weekly by an outside lab, and annually on a broad spectrum – see below for our annual analysis. Purified water is totally free of impurities – tested daily in-house, weekly by an outside lab, and annually on a broad spectrum – see below for our annual analysis.
Taste Spring water has a pleasing taste – the naturally occurring minerals act as a buffer and prevents the ready uptake of off-flavors from dishwashing detergents, coffee from coffee mugs & paper taste from paper cups. Purified water has no taste – great for making other beverages such as coffee, juices or tea – the absence of minerals causes some people to be able to detect the residual taste of coffee from coffee mugs or dish detergents.
I have kidney stones, which water should I choose? Please ask your doctor. Research has indicated that kidney stones can be formed by too little or too much calcium. Only your doctor can tell you which stones you have and which water is best for you to drink.
My iron says to use distilled water. Choose our purified water for applications requiring distilled water.

Click for Spring Water Analysis

Click for Purified Water Analysis

Click for Distilled Water Analysis

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