Places in Your Home That Need a Water Cooler

Do you struggle to get your kids to drink enough water at home? Or maybe you’re always forgetting yourself to stay hydrated? With a water cooler in your home filled with fresh, tasty spring water, it is much easier to remember and motivate yourself to drink enough throughout the day while you’re at home. It also gives you a great source of water to fill up bottles if you’re going out for the day.

If you’re interested in getting a water cooler but are not sure of where to put it, then here are a few ideas…


Putting a water cooler in the kitchen is the most obvious choice. When you’d normally go to the kitchen sink for a drink of water, the water cooler is right there to provide you with a refreshing glass of clean and cool spring water. You might even use it as a water supply when you’re cooking.

Dining room

If you have family meals at the table in the dining room, then installing a water cooler in the same room makes it convenient to serve drinks before the meal and refill them during the meal. Drinking water before and during your meal can help you control your appetite and prevent overeating, which is perfect for anyone trying to get in shape.

Home office

Water coolers are perfect for the workplace as they help keep productivity up by keeping employees hydrated. If your workplace happens to be in the home, then why not install a water cooler in your home office to keep yourself hydrated and productive?


If you keep plants in a greenhouse or your conservatory, then you can make it easier and more convenient to water them by keeping a supply of fresh water in the same room, either with a water cooler or dispenser.


If you’re out in the garage working on the car, a hobby, or if you’ve set it up as an entertainment space, it can be a hassle going back into the house to get a glass of water. If you’re out there for long periods of time, especially in warm weather, then you might start to get dehydrated. Make it easier for yourself by adding a water cooler to your garage.

If you want a constant supply of fresh, cool water in your North Carolina or Virginia home, then get in touch with Mountain Park Spring Water to find out more about our water delivery service and products.

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