Hydration and Your Immune System

Have you ever noticed how some people manage to stay healthy all year round while others tend to catch whatever illness is going around? This could be down to a number of things; genetics, personal habits, stress levels, or just sheer luck. You can’t always avoid catching a cold, the flu, or other illnesses, but there are certain things you can do to help boost your immune system.

One of these things is drinking lots of water and staying hydrated. Let’s look at how water and hydration can affect your immune system.

Flush out toxins

Our kidneys play an important role in maintaining our overall health. They are responsible for filtering the blood and flushing toxins out of it, which we then eliminate through urination. Water is essential for maintaining the function of our kidneys, so staying hydrated keeps them working at full capacity.

Destroy bacteria

The production and transportation of lymph are also reliant on us getting enough water, and lymph is an essential aid to our immune system. Lymph collects unwanted bacteria and transports it to the lymph node where the bacteria can then be destroyed. This can help to prevent disease or recover from an illness more quickly. Lymph also circulates white blood cells, which are key to fighting illness.

Fight infection

Germs are most likely to transmit into your body through your eyes, nose, and mouth, which is why you’re told to avoid touching your face to help prevent transmission. When you’re well-hydrated, your eyes and mouth in particular can maintain their moisture. This makes it more difficult for infections to transmit to you in this way.

Hydrate for a good night’s sleep

If we don’t get enough sleep, then our immune system becomes weaker, making us more likely to catch a cold or other illnesses. Staying hydrated keeps your brain functioning properly, helping it to produce more melatonin, among other key processes. Melatonin This hormone is released into the blood at night in response to our natural circadian rhythms, signaling to the body that we are ready to sleep. So, keeping your brain hydrated by drinking enough water will help you sleep better for a stronger immune system.

Make it easier to stay hydrated around the clock with a water delivery service from Mountain Park Spring Water. Get in touch to find out more about our services across Virginia and North Carolina, including Kernersville, Winston Salem, High Point, and Greensboro.

The Best Water for Tea and Coffee

You might find it difficult to get the recommended amount of water each day. But don’t forget that water used to make other drinks, like tea and coffee, does contribute to that daily total. While water may be the most effective at hydrating you and doesn’t affect the health of your teeth, you do still get some hydration from tea and coffee (although they are mildly diuretic).

When it comes to brewing your tea or coffee, you might think that the type of water you use makes no difference, but many people would disagree with you. Let’s look at the best types of water to use in your tea and coffee and what difference it can make

Purified water

Some people don’t enjoy drinking purified water on its own because they find it too bland. Because it has been removed of all its minerals and other impurities, it basically has no taste. But this makes it ideal for making tea and coffee because it does not impact the flavor of your hot drink.

Spring water

On the contrary to the benefits of purified water, some people believe that the minerals remaining in spring water really bring out the flavors of coffee. It’s also suggested that water with a neutral pH, a 7 on the pH scale, is the best option when making tea. Since purified water has a slightly acidic pH at 6, with spring water falling at 7.2, this puts a plus in the spring water column.

Tap water

Is tap water okay for brewing your teas and coffees with? The answer to this may vary from one region to the other. There can be great variations between the tap water being delivered to two different homes. The tap water in some homes will be fine for brewing coffee or tea, but others might want to filter their water before they use or simply use bottled water instead.

“Does it really matter?” you might ask. Some people likely won’t be able to tell the difference between two cups of coffee brewed with slightly different water, but others will. Especially if you drink these hot beverages on a regular basis or are a bit of an aficionado, the wrong type of water might leave a bad taste in your mouth.

If you want to try Mountain Park’s spring water in your tea or coffee, then get in touch to find out about our water delivery service for your home or office.

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