Less Obvious Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water

You can usually tell that you’re dehydrated because you’ll feel thirsty, have a dry mouth, your urine will be darker and less frequent, and you may suffer from headaches and light-headedness. But there are other signs that indicate you’re not drinking enough water, which might be less obviously linked to dehydration. Let’s look at some examples to look out for…

Dry, chapped skin

If you have dry skin that moisturizers and other skin care products can’t beat, then it might just be a lack of hydration. Your skin cells need water just like the rest of your body, so your skin will look and feel dry if you’re not getting enough water. Your lips are also likely to become dry and chapped and your skin may lose some of its elasticity

Muscle cramps

Our bodily fluids contain electrolytes that play a number of roles in the body. Staying hydrated helps to maintain a balance between these electrolytes and the fluids they are contained in. If you become dehydrated, this balance is thrown off due to the lack of water, making you more likely to experience muscle cramps.

Food cravings

Sometimes, when you think you are hungry, you’re actually just thirsty. These signals can get mixed up in our brains, leading to false feelings of hunger or cravings for particular foods. Water can be filling, which is why drinking water with your meals can help to curb portion control. Craving sweet snacks when your hungry may due to signals sent by your liver due to it not being able to function optimally when you don’t provide it with enough water.

Bad breath

We already mentioned that dehydration can cause a dry mouth. Connected to this, bad breath could be a sign that you’re not drinking enough water. Dry mouth, or xerostomia, results from a lack of saliva production. Your saliva helps to keep your mouth clean and sanitary by washing away food particles and preventing bacteria from building up. So, without sufficient saliva, this build-up of bacteria leads to bad breath.


If you’re tired all of the time, then it might not just be your sleep schedule that’s causing problems. Your entire body needs water to function, so it makes sense that you feel lethargic when you don’t get enough of it. Dehydration reduces blood flow to your brain and other organs due to the decrease in bodily fluids, making them less efficient at doing their jobs. Dehydration can also literally disrupt your sleep due to a decrease in the production of melatonin, and a dry mouth and nasal passages causing irritation.

If you experience any of these signs of dehydration, then it’s time to add more water to your daily routine. Get in touch with Mountain Park Spring Water to find out more about our convenient spring water delivery service across Virginia and North Carolina.

The Most Hydrating Foods

The Most Hydrating Foods

Hydration is obviously important, and you’re often told to drink at least 8 cups of water a day to stay well-hydrated. But water and other drinks aren’t the only way to up your hydration levels. We also intake water through the food we eat, and some types of food contain more water than others. We actually get around 20% of our water intake from food. Let’s look at a list of some of the most hydrating foods to include in your diet.


It can be really satisfying and refreshing when you bite into a juicy piece of fruit. And the fact that they’re so juicy goes to show how much water they contain. Here are some of the most hydrating types of fruit to eat more of:

  • Watermelon

  • Apples

  • Strawberries

  • Tomatoes

  • Peaches

  • Oranges

  • Grapefruit

Bananas have a lower water content than the other fruits on this list, but they make up for it with the amount of potassium they contain. This helps to restore your electrolytes, which become depleted when you’re dehydrated.


Lots of different vegetables also have a high water content, helping to keep you hydrated while also providing lots of vitamins and other nutrients. These are the top contenders for the most hydrating vegetables:

  • Cucumber

  • Iceberg lettuce

  • Spinach

  • Radishes

  • Celery

  • Zucchini

  • Bell peppers

  • Cabbage


Soup is a liquid, so it’s already clear how this meal or starter can be so hydrating. The broth itself contains water and if you include lots of vegetables in your soup, then you’re getting the extra hydration from those, too. Try adding some of the above vegetables for a supper hydrating soup. But avoid adding too much salt to your soup as this can lower your hydration levels.


Smoothies are already halfway between food and a drink. They usually contain water, fruit juice, or milk (or a non-dairy equivalent), or you can use a combination of these liquids. On top of this, you’re adding even more hydration when you blend lots of different types of fruit and veg into your smoothie.

Having fresh spring water easily accessible in your home and office can make it easier to drink more throughout the day and stay properly hydrated. Try Mountain Park Spring Water’s water delivery service or check out our water dispensers and filtration systems for more convenient ways of accessing water. Get in touch to find out more about our services across Virginia and North Carolina.

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