Fluoride in Your Water

If you’re drinking from a municipal source of water in the US, such as your tap water, then chances are that it contains trace amounts of the mineral fluoride. There has been continued debate about this, with some saying it is good for our health while others have concerns about potential side effects. Read on for more information about the addition of fluoride to the US water supply.

Why is fluoride in our water?

Fluoride is a mineral that can be found naturally in some water supplies, while other countries and areas add this mineral to their water supply to aid the health of local residents. Fluoride has been added to municipal water supplies in many parts of the US since the 1940s.

What are the benefits of fluoride in water?

The main benefits of fluoride relate to the health of our teeth. It is commonly added to toothpaste and other oral hygiene products as a result. Fluoride helps to strengthen the enamel on your teeth, prevent harmful bacteria from building up in your mouth, prevent cavities and tooth decay, and even reverse some signs of tooth decay.

Adding trace amounts of fluoride to local water supplies is a good way to ensure that everyone can benefit from the effects of fluoride on their oral health simply by drinking water. And research has found that fluoridated water supplies help to reduce the occurrence of tooth decay in both children and adults by up to 25%.

Are there any side effects from fluoride?

So why are there concerns about fluoridated water in the US? Fluoride does have potential side effects, but these only occur when the mineral is consumed in excessive amounts. The levels of fluoride in water are governed to ensure that it contains no more than 0.7 parts per million.

When consumed in excess, fluorosis can occur. This typically only affects children as it impacts the teeth while they are still growing beneath the gums, causing white spots to appear on the teeth. Since the levels of fluoride in water are low, dental fluorosis is more likely to occur due to children swallowing toothpaste that contains fluoride. Long-term exposure to high levels of fluoride can also cause skeletal fluorosis, which can cause stiffness and pain in the joints.

Spring water also contains various natural minerals that can be beneficial for your health. If you’re interested in a spring water delivery service for your home or office, then contact Mountain Park Spring Water for our bottled water delivery services across Virginia and North Carolina.

FDA and Bottled Water

There are so many different brands and types of bottled water lined up on the shelf when you go into the store. Is there a difference between all these bottles of water? How do you know which to choose and, more importantly, how do you know that you’re actually getting what’s advertised? There are occasionally concerns over the safety of bottled water and the question of whether it’s simply bottled tap water. But bottled water is regulated by the FDA (The United States Food and Drug Administration) just like other drinks, so let’s look at how this is controlled.

Bottled water regulations

According to the FDA website, the administration regulates bottled water under at least three different categories:

  • Standard of identity
  • Standard of quality
  • Current good manufacturing practice

These categories ensure that bottled water that’s available for purchase does not contain an excess of contaminants and is, therefore, safe for consumption, and also that the bottled water has been produced safely and under sanitary conditions.

What is in your bottled water?

Bottled water can come from a number of sources, including springs, wells, underground sources, and, yes, even the tap, i.e., municipal sources. However, it’s still not the same as the water poured directly from your tap as it will be treated in various ways before being bottled and reaching the shelves.

Under the FDA’s regulations, nothing can be added to bottled water other than a safe amount of antimicrobial agent for treating the water, and fluoride within safe limits as set out by the FDA. Depending on the source of your water, it will naturally contain trace amounts of various minerals, which can benefit your health in a number of ways. The exception is purified water, which has had all of these trace elements and minerals filtered out.

Any harmful contaminants reaching certain levels will ensure that the water does not meet the FDA’s standards, which follow the standards suggested by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) where relevant. To achieve all of this, the water itself is tested and analyzed, and bottling plants are also regularly inspected to ensure that their practices and equipment are safe.

At Mountain Park Spring Water we deliver both spring water and purified water to your home or office, plus a range of water dispensers, filters, and accessories. Get in touch to find out more about our water and our services around North Carolina and Virginia.

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