Tap Water vs. Bottled Water

There are a lot of facts and opinions out there about which is better, bottled water or tap water. It seems like everyone has something to say about it, which can make it confusing to understand the truth. If you’re unsure about whether you should be drinking tap water or bottled water, let’s look at how they fare in various categories.


One of the main reasons people choose bottled water over tap water is the taste. Tap water can pick up a lot of different minerals and traces of other materials on its journey to your glass. This is what can influence the taste. Some people claim, for example, that their tap water has a slight metallic taste from the pipes it runs through. 

Bottled water, on the other hand, usually has a much more pleasing taste. Purified water contains no minerals, so it is generally thought to have no taste at all. This makes it good for using to make other drinks because it does not interfere with the taste of the drink. Some bottled water is spring water. This does contain naturally occurring minerals and is generally thought to have a nice taste. 


This is where tap water typically wins over bottled water. The price of water from your tap is minimal compared to buying bottles of water. However, bottled water becomes highly affordable when you buy large bottles of water in bulk rather than single-use bottled water from the store. Our bottled water delivery service can cost you and your family less than $25 per month.


Some people believe that the water that comes from our tap is not safe to drink. While this may be true in some countries, the municipal water supply is heavily regulated in the US, making it safe to drink in most cases. Rare situations such as plumbing problems and contamination of the municipal water supply can lead to problems with your tap water, however. While tap water is generally safe to drink, bottled water can be a better guarantee of safety.

Health benefits

Obviously, drinking water has lots of health benefits since it hydrates us well and contains zero calories and sugar. But what’s the difference between tap and bottled when it comes to these benefits? The minerals naturally found in bottled spring water have a number of health benefits. Spring water often contains elements like calcium and magnesium, which contribute to good bone and cardiovascular health. Tap water can also contain some healthy minerals, but also has the risk of containing others like chlorine, which can have negative effects on our health.

Both are great for keeping us hydrated, but bottled water generally offers better safety and health benefits than tap water, and it comes at affordable prices when you choose a bottled water delivery service like Mountain Park. Get in touch to arrange your service around North Carolina or Virginia. 

Why Choose Bottled Water Delivery for Your Home or Office?

Water is a vital part of our lives. We need it to function every day and getting enough water helps to keep us healthy and alert. Many families and companies have water coolers or water filters to provide them with a constant supply of drinking water. Combined with a bottled water delivery service, these keep your family or your employees well-hydrated. Read on for more reasons why you should have bottled water delivered to your home or office.

The benefits of having spring water readily available

With a ready supply of clean, fresh, and good-tasting water, you are much more likely to drink enough throughout the day. Otherwise, you are more likely to forget about drinking enough water, leaving you feeling sluggish through dehydration. The fact that it’s fresh spring water also makes you more likely to drink it because many people don’t like the taste of tap water, making them more reluctant to drink it.  

There are lots of documented benefits of staying well-hydrated, both for your family and your employees. These include:

  • Better focus – Our brain also needs water to function. When you’re well-hydrated, your focus will be greatly improved. This is great for the workplace since your staff will be more productive as a result. 
  • More energy – You’ll all feel the benefit of drinking water as you’ll have more energy, helping to keep you mentally and physically fuelled throughout the day.
  • Better health – Staying hydrated helps all our organs and muscles function properly. It’s especially important for preventing kidney problems. This is why it’s so important to encourage your kids to drink plenty of water at home. 

Why have bottled water delivered?

If you have a water dispenser at home or in your office, then using a bottled water delivery service is extremely beneficial. First of all, it is a much more cost-effective way to source water for your dispenser. Being able to have large bottles delivered in bulk will help you save money over time. 

Having your water delivered also saves you the time and effort it takes to buy bottles from the shop and carry them into your home, especially the larger, heavier bottles for your dispenser. Plus, having water delivered is a more eco-friendly option, particularly when compared to buying single-use bottles. Your delivery service will collect your empty bottles from you and ensure that they’re properly recycled. 

Bottled water delivery is the ideal way to have a constant supply of fresh water in your home or office. If you’re interested, then get in touch with us to arrange water delivery across North Carolina or Virginia.

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