Methods of Distilling Water

Purified, spring, distilled, filtered, and tap water. There are a lot of different terms when it comes to something as simple as water, and it can be easy to get confused by the differences between them. We’ve compared spring water with purified water in the past, so now let’s look at distilled water, its properties, and how water is distilled.

What is distilled water?

Distilled water is similar to purified water in that it has had all or almost all of the impurities removed from it. This includes any minerals as well as bacteria and other contaminants. Distilled water could start from spring water or basic tap water, which then goes through a distillation process.

How is distillation achieved?

While purified water may go through various processes and treatments to remove the contaminants, distillation is a fairly simple process that you could even do yourself. Distilled water is that which has been evaporated, and then the water vapor has been collected once it condenses. This can be achieved through simple heating and cooling processes. You boil the water to make it evaporate, then collect the condensation on something like a pot lid as it cools, and collect the water as it drips down from the condensation.

Check out more detailed instructions on how to distill your own water at home.

In more commercial or industrial settings, a specialized distillation machine can be used to distill and collect the water much more efficiently. Since the majority of the contaminants contained in water don’t boil at the same temperature as the water, they are left behind in the original container while the water evaporates and condenses to be collected in another container. This method can be used, for example, to separate the salt content out of seawater to make it drinkable.

Pros and cons of distilled water

While distilled water is free of contaminants, most people don’t enjoy the taste of it because it is lacking the minerals that generally give water its refreshing and satisfying taste. Essentially, distilled water will have no taste. It also won’t provide the benefits of those minerals that you’d get from drinking spring water, for example. 

In fact, distilled water will draw minerals from the materials around it to restore a balance, meaning it can actually leach minerals from your body. So, if you do drink distilled water, make sure that you’re getting plenty of minerals and other nutrients through your diet.

Distilled water can have a number of uses in situations where the minerals and contaminants in other types of water could be harmful. For example, steam irons tend to advise using distilled water. Distilled water can also be good for water your plants or filling your car, and even for use in fish tanks and aquariums.

If you want the best-tasting water in your home, then contact Mountain Park Spring Water for more information about our spring water delivery service around Virginia and North Carolina.

How to Wake Up in the Morning Without Coffee

We all know the struggle of having to drag ourselves out of bed in the morning when all we want is a little longer in bed. Those early mornings are especially difficult after a change in routine, if you suddenly have to start waking up earlier than you’ve been used to. A lot of people rely on coffee to wake up and muster enough energy to face a full day at work. But if you’re looking for alternatives to caffeine, then here are a few tips and tricks to help you wake up more easily and naturally.

Let the sun be your alarm clock

It’s so much easier to sleep when it’s dark, which is why blackout blinds can help people who have to sleep during the day. So, if you’re trying to wake up early, try leaving your curtains or blinds open. The sunlight is likely to wake you up and may also decrease your melatonin levels, helping you feel more alert and awake.

Keep your alarm out of reach

If you’re guilty of hitting snooze repeatedly until you’re running late, then try leaving your phone or alarm clock on the other side of the room. This forces you to get out of bed to turn it off, and just getting out of bed is often the hardest part. Alternatively, there are some alarm apps you could try that force you to complete a puzzle or take a photo of your kettle, for example, before the alarm will stop ringing.

Stretch or exercise

If your problem isn’t with getting out of bed but with feeling alert once you’re up, then starting the day with some stretches or exercise could help. This gets the blood pumping and gives you endorphins, helping to lift your mood and give you energy for the day ahead.

A cold shower

If you’re strong enough to face a cold shower first thing in the morning, then this is certain to give you the jolt you need to wake you up properly. It will be a shock to the system at first, but you might get used to it and it can offer you other benefits.

Wake up with water

You’re likely to be thirsty after around 8 hours in bed without drinking anything, and fatigue is a common symptom of dehydration. So, it’s a good idea to keep a glass or bottle of water by your bed so you can chug some when your alarm goes off. This will rehydrate you and help to boost your energy levels and alertness.

Make sure you always have fresh, good-tasting water readily available in your home with a bottled water delivery service from Mountain Park Spring Water. And try a water cooler so you can wake up in the morning with a glass of cold water. Contact us to find out more about our services across Virginia and North Carolina.

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