When you’re dripping with sweat from the heat, it’s easy to remember the risks of dehydration. So, we’re more likely to keep water with us and remember to drink it in hot weather. But what about the cold, winter seasons? Some people mistakenly think that you can’t get dehydrated in cold weather. At the very
Why Choose Bottled Water Delivery for Your Home or Office?
Water is a vital part of our lives. We need it to function every day and getting enough water helps to keep us healthy and alert. Many families and companies have water coolers or water filters to provide them with a constant supply of drinking water. Combined with a bottled water delivery service, these keep
CONTINUE READINGBottled Water Delivery in Winston-Salem: It’s Not Just for Business
We all know that old stereotype of office workers gossiping around the water cooler, but having a water cooler or dispenser along with bottled water deliveries aren’t just for the office. We deliver bottled spring water to homes around Winston-Salem and the rest of the Piedmont Triad, and there are lots of advantages to having
CONTINUE READINGDisadvantages of drinking fountains
We’re always looking for convenient ways to deliver fresh water to more people. From water coolers to water delivery services, we want to make sure it’s easy for you to stay hydrated and access delicious fresh water. As well as water coolers and typical water dispensers, a popular feature of public buildings and sometimes outdoor
CONTINUE READINGHow Does Hydration Affect Sporting Performance?
If you’re an athlete trying to reach peak performance, then there are a lot of different factors you need to consider. As well as the training you do, what you eat is also extremely important. And so is staying hydrated. In this article, we’ll look at how hydration and dehydration can impact sporting performance. And