If you’ve ever tried to lose weight for either health reasons or aesthetic reasons, you’ll likely know how difficult it can be. There’s no quick fix or easy answer for getting in shape or losing weight, but water is one of the simple things that can help make things easier for you. Read on to
What is Water Weight and How Can You Shift it?
If you weigh yourself on a regular basis, then you probably know how much it can change from one day to the next. This can be disheartening if you’re trying to lose or gain weight and the numbers aren’t going the way you want. If you’re following a balanced diet and regular exercise but still
CONTINUE READINGLess Obvious Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water
You can usually tell that you’re dehydrated because you’ll feel thirsty, have a dry mouth, your urine will be darker and less frequent, and you may suffer from headaches and light-headedness. But there are other signs that indicate you’re not drinking enough water, which might be less obviously linked to dehydration. Let’s look at some
CONTINUE READINGThe Most Hydrating Foods
The Most Hydrating Foods Hydration is obviously important, and you’re often told to drink at least 8 cups of water a day to stay well-hydrated. But water and other drinks aren’t the only way to up your hydration levels. We also intake water through the food we eat, and some types of food contain more
CONTINUE READINGWhich Countries Have the Best Tap Water?
Even if you prefer the taste of spring water, filtered water, or purified water, we are lucky in this country to have drinkable tap water in our homes. You may have traveled to other countries where you were advised not to drink the tap water as it could make you ill. In other countries, however,