As knowledge and technology advance over the years, we come to learn what is good for us and our planet, and what isn’t. It’s strange to think that doctors once endorsed smoking before people learned how bad it is for our health. And the same goes for plastic and the materials contained in plastic products.
How to Reduce Water Pollution
It is being increasingly reported that our oceans, rivers, and lakes are polluted around the world. Litter, plastics, and chemicals are some of the main culprits polluting our waters, but it is the habits of people and companies that are causing this. This kind of water pollution can contaminate our drinking water and also harm
CONTINUE READINGBuying vs. Renting a Water Dispenser
A water dispenser or water cooler can help to keep your employees happy and healthy, which in turn leads to increased productivity and even job satisfaction in your workplace. If you’re looking for a water dispenser for your office, then there are two main routes to take – buying or renting a water dispenser. Which
CONTINUE READINGThe Risk of Dehydration for Diabetics
Dehydration is a risk for all of us and can be extremely dangerous. But for people with diabetes, this risk is even greater. Read on to find out more about the link between dehydration and diabetes, and how to effectively stay hydrated. Why does diabetes increase dehydration risks? Two common symptoms of diabetes are urinating
CONTINUE READINGThe Pros and Cons of Drinking Water Fountains
We’re always looking for convenient ways to deliver fresh water to more people. From water coolers to water delivery services, we want to make sure it’s easy for you to stay hydrated and access delicious fresh water. As well as water coolers and typical water dispensers, a popular feature of public buildings and sometimes outdoor