If you’re an athlete trying to reach peak performance, then there are a lot of different factors you need to consider. As well as the training you do, what you eat is also extremely important. And so is staying hydrated. In this article, we’ll look at how hydration and dehydration can impact sporting performance. And
Balancing Hydration and Activity Levels
You know how important it is to drink water and stay hydrated. It helps you both mentally and physically. But how much you need to drink depends on a variety of things and can vary from day to day. One factor that plays a big role in your hydration is how active you are. This
CONTINUE READINGA Water Cooler for Your Home Office
If you’ve recently started working from home, then you might be facing the new challenge of how to stay motivated and productive at work when you don’t have your boss and colleagues there to monitor you. There are lots of different productivity tips to help you when working from home, but we’ve got an extra
CONTINUE READINGHydration and Your Immune System
Have you ever noticed how some people manage to stay healthy all year round while others tend to catch whatever illness is going around? This could be down to a number of things; genetics, personal habits, stress levels, or just sheer luck. You can’t always avoid catching a cold, the flu, or other illnesses, but
CONTINUE READINGThe Best Water for Tea and Coffee
You might find it difficult to get the recommended amount of water each day. But don’t forget that water used to make other drinks, like tea and coffee, does contribute to that daily total. While water may be the most effective at hydrating you and doesn’t affect the health of your teeth, you do still