More and more people are going about their daily lives with a reusable water bottle in tow. This is a great way to reduce the usage of single-use plastics while still staying hydrated on the go. But if you’re constantly refilling and drinking from the same water bottle, hygiene can become an issue. Make sure
A Guide to Eco-Friendly Drinking Straws
The battle against single-use plastics is still raging on, and how we drink is especially under fire. As well as single-use water bottles, drinking straws are also being cut back on. Some bars, restaurants, and cafés have switched to only handing out straws when customers request them, rather than using them by default. Others are
CONTINUE READINGWhy Doesn’t All Water Taste the Same?
Have you ever had a glass of tap water at someone’s house and noticed that it doesn’t taste the same as your own tap water? Or maybe you much prefer the taste of spring water or purified water, rather than that from the tap? But it’s all water, something we generally think of as being
CONTINUE READINGStay Young by Drinking Lots of Water
There are a number of things we don’t look forward to about aging. Less energy, decreased mobility, and lines and wrinkles appearing on our skin. But in modern society, many of us are experiencing certain aging effects prematurely because of how we treat our bodies. We eat processed foods, sugary drinks, and spend too much
CONTINUE READINGSupporting Water Charities
We don’t tend to think about how easy it is to get fresh, clean water from a tap or a water dispenser. We’re so used to it that we almost take it for granted. But there are people around the world not as lucky as us. They don’t have clean water or have to walk