Hydration is important to so many aspects of our health. Next on the list is the link between hydration and your sleep patterns. Always tired and struggling to sleep at night? It could just be that you’re dehydrated. Read on to find out how the two are linked. The effects of dehydration during the day
How to Fix Common Water Cooler Problems
Water coolers are a really convenient tool for both home and the office. There are various different models that can provide you with cool, filtered water, and even some that provide cool water from one tap and hot water from another. But, whatever type of water cooler you have, it’s common to face problems along
CONTINUE READINGHow Does Hydration Change as We Age?
As we age, our bodies and their needs change. You can run around all day as a kid, but a demanding workout when you’re older will likely leave you feeling sore the next day. Another demand affected by age is hydration. Let’s take a look at how your hydration needs and the effects of dehydration
CONTINUE READINGThe Ideal Times of Day to Drink Water
Water is a vital part of your diet, but most of us don’t get enough of it. We drink coffee, soda, energy drinks, and other beverages to keep us hydrated, often neglecting water because of its plain taste. If you’re trying to add more water to your day but still get tempted by other drinks,
CONTINUE READINGWater vs. Sports Drinks: What’s Best for Hydration?
Whether you’re playing sports, working out at the gym, or running around with your kids, it’s important that you stay hydrated while you exercise. Drinking before, during, and after the activity will help you avoid dehydration if you’re sweating a lot. But what should you be drinking? Sports drinks are often recommended for periods of