There are so many different brands and types of bottled water lined up on the shelf when you go into the store. Is there a difference between all these bottles of water? How do you know which to choose and, more importantly, how do you know that you’re actually getting what’s advertised? There are occasionally
Methods of Distilling Water
Purified, spring, distilled, filtered, and tap water. There are a lot of different terms when it comes to something as simple as water, and it can be easy to get confused by the differences between them. We’ve compared spring water with purified water in the past, so now let’s look at distilled water, its properties,
CONTINUE READINGHow to Wake Up in the Morning Without Coffee
We all know the struggle of having to drag ourselves out of bed in the morning when all we want is a little longer in bed. Those early mornings are especially difficult after a change in routine, if you suddenly have to start waking up earlier than you’ve been used to. A lot of people
CONTINUE READINGBottled Water Delivery in Winston-Salem: It’s Not Just for Business
We all know that old stereotype of office workers gossiping around the water cooler, but having a water cooler or dispenser along with bottled water deliveries aren’t just for the office. We deliver bottled spring water to homes around Winston-Salem and the rest of the Piedmont Triad, and there are lots of advantages to having
CONTINUE READINGElectrolytes and Hydration
You might see electrolytes mentioned on sports drinks or expensive bottled water, but what exactly are they and do you really need them to stay hydrated? Let’s look at some of the facts and theories behind electrolytes and hydration. What are electrolytes? An electrolyte is a particle that carries an electric charge and can conduct