
Look younger with proper hydration

There are a number of things we don’t look forward to about aging. Less energy, decreased mobility, and lines and wrinkles appearing on our skin. But in modern society, many of us are experiencing certain aging effects prematurely because of how we treat our bodies. We eat processed foods, sugary drinks, and spend too much


The Best Water for Tea and Coffee

You might find it difficult to get the recommended amount of water each day. But don’t forget that water used to make other drinks, like tea and coffee, does contribute to that daily total. While water may be the most effective at hydrating you and doesn’t affect the health of your teeth, you do still


Does water have a taste?

Have you ever had a glass of tap water at someone’s house and noticed that it doesn’t taste the same as your own tap water? Or maybe you much prefer the taste of spring water or purified water, rather than that from the tap? But it’s all water, something we generally think of as being


Understanding Hydrotherapy

Water is a wonderful thing. As well as keeping us alive, it gives us more energy, helps us stay alert and focused, improves our skin, aids digestion, and lots of other great things. And water can even be used as a kind of therapy to treat or manage a range of conditions of health problems,


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