One factor of bottled water that can be often over-looked is the pH balance. This term refers to acidic or basic (also known as alkaline or ionized) the water is. The scale of pH ranges from 0-14, with 0 being the most acidic, 14 being the most basic and 7 being neutral.Our bottled spring water has an average pH
Benefits of Natural Spring Water & How to Access it
A lot of people prefer the taste of spring water compared to the water from their tap, but is natural spring water good for more than just taste? Most people also believe that drinking filtered, purified, or spring water is better for your health than tap water. Let’s look at some of the benefits of
CONTINUE READINGWhy Water is Essential for Toddlers and Infants
Do you know how much water your kids need to stay hydrated? Obviously, babies drink milk from their mother or formula, and then we tend to move kids onto juice boxes or something similar. While these contribute towards hydration, the sugar in fruit juice is not as healthy for our kids or as effective at
CONTINUE READINGHistory Of Water Dispensers
Water is a constant in human life throughout the ages – it is completely necessary in order to survive. But, over time, we developed more effective ways of sourcing water and making it safe and pleasant to drink. Aren’t you glad you can go straight to a tap or water dispenser for a drink rather
CONTINUE READINGWater Beats the Summer Heat
With the changing weather of summer comes more opportunities for outdoor activities. But when we’re getting active in the summer heat, our body temperature can increase at an alarming rate. The human body is designed to stay within a certain temperature range and therefore the body’s temperature needs to be constantly regulated and adjusted. This