Whether you’re having a few drinks at home with some friends or are spending a night out on the town, drinking alcohol comes with a sore head and other side effects for most of us the following day. As well as reducing the amount of alcohol you drink in one night, increasing your water intake can help you stay in control and stave off the hangover the next day. Here are some tips to help you achieve this…
Switch between alcoholic drinks and water
If you’re going to spend hours and hours having fun and socializing with a drink in hand, then all those drinks can add up as the night goes on. Thanks to the diuretic effects of alcohol, you will become increasingly dehydrated with every drink you have. This is why it’s a good idea to rotate your alcoholic drinks with a glass of water. If you have a soft drink for every alcoholic drink you have, you’ll prevent yourself from becoming too dehydrated and regretting it the next morning.
Gulp down some water at the end of the night
The end of the night is another great time to rehydrate. It’s a good idea to switch to soft drinks or water once you know it’s almost time to get home. If you do find yourself having drunk a little too much, then gulp down plenty of water once you get home and before you go to bed. You might find yourself needing to go to the bathroom during the night, but it will help you feel better the next morning.
Have water easily accessible
You’re more likely to drink water on or after a night out if it’s easily accessible. You don’t want to have to queue up at the bar every time you’re feeling thirsty for something that’s actually hydrating. If you have a bag with you on your night out, then keep a small bottle of water in there so you can sip it throughout the night.
At home, having fresh, chilled water readily available from a water dispenser or water cooler makes it easier to remember to hydrate once you get home. And before you go to bed, place a full glass or bottle of water on your bedside table for when you wake up thirsty in the night and don’t want to get out of bed.
It can be fun to enjoy some drinks with friends and family, just remember to stay hydrated to make sure you’re not suffering from it the next day. If you need a water dispenser or a water delivery service for your home, contact Mountain Park Spring Water for delivery across North Carolina and Virginia.
Keeping your water dispenser and the area around it sanitary should be a priority. Especially in an office space where lots of employees are accessing this water source multiple times a day. If all these people are touching various parts of the dispenser, including the tap where the water comes from, then lots of germs and bacteria could be spreading between people and surfaces.
One solution to this is to minimize the need to touch the dispenser, saving you from having to clean and disinfect these surfaces multiple times per day. Let’s look at some different appliances that allow hands-free dispensing of water.
Touchless faucets
Public bathrooms in restaurants, for example, will often have touchless faucets that automatically switch on their water flow when someone’s hand is waved under the faucet. This is achieved using a sensor underneath the faucet that detects movement. Installing this kind of faucet in your office kitchen and bathrooms can allow employees to wash their hands or fill up a glass of water without having to touch the faucet.
You can also get this kind of technology in some water dispensers and water coolers. Placing a cup or bottle underneath the dispenser will activate the water flow without you having to push a button or turn a tap.
Water dispensers with foot pedals
Another option for your water dispensers is to activate the water flow using a foot pedal at the base of the appliance. You can buy dispensers and coolers with this feature, or you may even be able to order the pedals to add to an existing water cooler. All you have to do is put your cup or bottle in place and push down on the pedal with your foot, releasing it when you’ve got enough water.
Push water dispensers
Another common water dispenser type can be hands-free – one where you push your cup against a kind of lever fitted around the point from where water is dispensed. With this type of dispenser, there’s a slightly greater chance of contact than with the two options above, but it can still remain touch-free if employees are careful. In theory, you only need to touch your cup or bottle and push it against the lever to fill it with water.
With this method, it’s important that your cup, glass, or bottle is clean before filling it, otherwise germs will transmit to the lever from the rim of the cup, in turn transmitting to other people’s cups.
It is possible to keep your home or office sanitary without having to spend all day cleaning. If you have any questions about the best types of water dispensers and coolers for you, then contact Mountain Park Spring Water.