The Risk of Dehydration for Diabetics

Dehydration is a risk for all of us and can be extremely dangerous. But for people with diabetes, this risk is even greater. Read on to find out more about the link between dehydration and diabetes, and how to effectively stay hydrated.

Why does diabetes increase dehydration risks?

Two common symptoms of diabetes are urinating more frequently and feeling thirsty more often. This is due to the way our kidneys respond to high blood glucose levels. The kidneys help to clear waste from the body by passing it as urine. When blood glucose levels remain high for too long, the kidneys excrete some of this glucose in the urine.

This requires water from the body in order to pass the excess glucose, often pulling water from your body’s cells. Since people with diabetes do not produce enough insulin to balance their blood sugar levels, this process happens much more frequently, leaving them needing to replenish the water used and passed in the urine.

Staying hydrated with diabetes

It’s important for everyone to drink enough fluids throughout the day, especially in hot weather or if you are very active. People with diabetes may have to be even more vigilant about drinking enough and making sure they stay properly hydrated. It is important that you can recognize the signs of dehydration, allowing you to rehydrate before the symptoms and side effects become too severe.

Remaining vigilant about your condition is also important. So, make sure you always monitor your blood sugar levels on a regular basis, at least four times per day. It’s a good idea to test them more frequently in hot weather or if you are exercising. Make sure you have insulin, snacks, and plenty of water with you in case your glucose levels are high and need to be lowered.

Try to avoid high-sugar drinks when hydrating as these can cause your blood sugar to spike, increasing urination as outlined above. Water is the best option to help you stay hydrated and control your blood glucose levels, so make sure you always have water handy to drink. Carrying a refillable water bottle with you is a good idea. And having a source of fresh, cool water at home and at work will also make it easier to stay hydrated.

If you think a water dispenser or a spring water delivery service could help keep you hydrated throughout the day, then contact Mountain Park Spring Water to arrange for water delivery around Kernersville, Winston Salem, High Point, and Greensboro, NC.

The Pros and Cons of Drinking Water Fountains

We’re always looking for convenient ways to deliver fresh water to more people. From water coolers to water delivery services, we want to make sure it’s easy for you to stay hydrated and access delicious fresh water. As well as water coolers and typical water dispensers, a popular feature of public buildings and sometimes outdoor spaces is the drinking fountain.

Drinking fountains are typically intended for quickly drinking from as you pass them by, although some do have faucets that make it easier to fill a cup or bottle. A drinking fountain could be an alternative, or additional, water source for your office. Let’s compare the water cooler and the drinking fountain to help you decide.

About drinking fountains

Drinking fountains are always plumbed into the mains water, as opposed to water dispensers and coolers that can source water from a large bottle attached to the unit. They deliver fresh, cold water from a small spout, typically designed to be drunk directly from the fountain rather than to fill up a cup or bottle. Excess water lands in the basin beneath the spout and is drained away.

The benefits of drinking fountains

Drinking fountains are extremely sturdy, meaning they are suitable for frequent use in busy offices and other spaces. They don’t require a lot of maintenance and are easy to clean. Another benefit is that you can enjoy water from them without the use of disposable cups, which can cause extra waste. Drinking fountains are also versatile because they can be used both indoors and outdoors.

Disadvantages of drinking fountains

Standard drinking fountains are great for drinking out of directly, but it is slow and difficult to fill up a bottle, which is something you might encourage in terms of being eco-friendly. However, as mentioned above, some drinking fountains come with an additional faucet that’s designed for filling cups and bottles. If there is anyone with mobility issues in your office, they might find it difficult to bend down to drink from a water fountain.

You may have less flexibility in where you can place a drinking fountain because they must be near a mains water supply, whereas a water dispenser with a bottled water source can be placed anywhere and can change location. Drinking fountains also can’t provide a hot water supply. One of the benefits of water coolers is that you can access both hot and cold water from them for all your office’s water needs.

Would a drinking fountain suit your office or will you stick to the traditional water cooler or dispenser? Contact Mountain Park Spring Water if you need advice about your water needs or are looking for a spring water delivery service across Martinsville, VA, and High Point, Winston Salem, Greensboro, NC.

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