5 Ways Water Can Help You Stick to New Year’s Resolutions

How are your New Year’s Resolutions going? If you’re like most of society, you set out super ambitious goals at the start of the year and are already close to giving up. It doesn’t matter what the month is, you can set or refocus on goals at any time of the year. If you want it to stick this time, then upping your water intake can help with lots of different goals. Let’s look at some of the standard New Year’s Resolutions people make and how water can help you get there.
Water can help you stick to your New Year’s Resolution because it can…
Help you lose weight
A lot of people pledge to lose weight on January 1st, but they struggle to stick to it because they set excessively strict rules for themselves. You should try to lose weight gradually, and water can help with this. Obviously, water is a healthy alternative to sugary drinks, stopping you from drinking lots of calories. It can also help to control your appetite if you drink water before and during meals, preventing you from overeating.
Improve your body shape
Maybe you’re ignoring the number on the scale but still, want to get in better shape. It might sound counterintuitive, but you’ll be more prone to bloating if you don’t drink enough water. Staying well-hydrated with water means you don’t retain as much of the water you drink, keeping your stomach looking flatter.
Save you moneyIf your goals for 2019 are financial, then you can save money on expensive coffees, alcoholic drinks, and endless sodas by switching them all out for water. Even just a few dollars a day saved on drinks adds up to good savings throughout the year.
Improve focus and productivity
Maybe you’ve set goals related to school, work, or pursuing something in your spare time. Staying hydrated helps your brain to function more effectively, helping you to stay focused when you’re working. It also improves your energy levels, making you more productive overall.
Provide an alternative to alcohol
If you want to drink less alcohol or none at all, then water is a great alternative for your health and your wallet. When you’re out with friends you might still want a drink in your hand – why not a glass of water! If you’re just planning on drinking less, having a glass of water in between alcoholic drinks will help you cut down and reduce your hangover at the same time.
What’s your New Year’s Resolution? Whether you’re starting a new goal or are still going strong with those from January 1st, drinking more water could be the answer to continuing your success.
To make sure you always have fresh water to hand, you could get a filtered water delivery service to your home or office. Mountain Park Spring Water provide bottled water delivery across Virginia and North Carolina, including Martinsville, Danville, Greensboro, and High Point.

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