

Ideas for Reusing Water Bottles

If you buy a bottle of water or another bottled drink in the store, recycling the bottle afterward will help to reduce your single-use plastic waste. But what about alternatives to simply recycling it? Of course, you could reuse the bottle by refilling it and drinking out of it again, but what about some more


Understanding Hydrotherapy

Water is a wonderful thing. As well as keeping us alive, it gives us more energy, helps us stay alert and focused, improves our skin, aids digestion, and lots of other great things. And water can even be used as a kind of therapy to treat or manage a range of conditions of health problems,


Fluoride in Your Water

If you’re drinking from a municipal source of water in the US, such as your tap water, then chances are that it contains trace amounts of the mineral fluoride. There has been continued debate about this, with some saying it is good for our health while others have concerns about potential side effects. Read on


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