

The Most Hydrating Foods

The Most Hydrating Foods Hydration is obviously important, and you’re often told to drink at least 8 cups of water a day to stay well-hydrated. But water and other drinks aren’t the only way to up your hydration levels. We also intake water through the food we eat, and some types of food contain more


A Guide to Clean Water Technologies

Clean, freshwater is something we often take for granted because it is so readily available to us. But this isn’t the case in a lot of countries around the world. Everyone should have access to clean water wherever they live, which is why water charities are so important. Charities such as WaterAid and charity: water


The Costs of a Water Cooler

If you’ve decided that you want all the benefits of a water cooler in your home or office, then you might be wondering how much it will cost you before you make your decision. Let’s look at some of the initial and ongoing costs of water coolers or dispensers. Initial purchase or rental costs Your


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