There are a lot of facts and opinions out there about which is better, bottled water or tap water. It seems like everyone has something to say about it, which can make it confusing to understand the truth. If you’re unsure about whether you should be drinking tap water or bottled water, let’s look at
Bottled Water Myths
Water is a strangely controversial topic these days. There are groups of people that demonize tap water but then there are other groups of people that demonize bottled water. How can we win? Short of collecting rainwater to survive off, the best thing to do is dispel the myths that are being spread about.Bottled water
CONTINUE READINGCan You Get Dehydrated in Cold Weather?
When you’re dripping with sweat from the heat, it’s easy to remember the risks of dehydration. So, we’re more likely to keep water with us and remember to drink it in hot weather. But what about the cold, winter seasons? Some people mistakenly think that you can’t get dehydrated in cold weather. At the very
CONTINUE READINGTips for Remembering to Drink Water
We’re sure you know by now how important it is to drink water and how much you need on a daily basis, but we understand that it’s not always easy to drink as much as you should. When you’re busy, it can be easy to forget to stay hydrated, or maybe you’re just not near
CONTINUE READINGHydrating in Summer
Summer is here and so are all the joys that come along with it. But, there can also be some dangers that come along with summer and the hot weather we experience. One of those dangers is dehydration. Staying well hydrated in summer can be much harder than the rest of the year because the