Water is an incredible thing, from a small glass that provides hydration to a vast ocean with depths yet to be explored. The same stuff that you drink every day makes up some amazing sights and natural wonders around the world. Planning your travels around oceans, lakes, geysers, and waterfalls could take you to some awe-inspiring places, so let’s start with some of the most incredible natural wonders in the US that impress with water.
There are so many stunning waterfalls around the world. Even small, trickling waterfalls can look beautiful and bring a sense of calm to you, but then there are the massive waterfalls that are a sight to behold. Of course, there’s Niagara Falls on the border of the US and Canada, made up of three large waterfalls converging together. Yosemite Falls in California is a taller waterfall although not quite as grand as Niagara Falls, but set among the amazing surroundings of Yosemite National Park. And you’ll even find waterfalls in the Grand Canyon, such as Havasu Falls, contrasting red rocks with a bright blue pool of water.
A geyser is a point in the earth where a large spout of water and steam periodically shoots out of the ground. It’s an impressive sight, and the most famous geyser in the world is right here in the US, Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park. And there’s another in Yellowstone, the Morning Glory Geyser, which is located in a colorful pool of water that appears like a rainbow.
The US is home to lots of great lakes, and not just the five that are actually called The Great Lakes. Lake Superior isn’t just the largest of the Great Lakes, but also the largest freshwater lake by surface area in the whole world, spanning three US states and part of Canada. Some other lakes to visit include Crater Lake in Oregon, formed by the collapse of a volcano, Lake Tahoe in California, and the manmade Lake Powell in Utah and Arizona.
Alaska’s ice caves
Water isn’t just impressive when it flows, but also when it freezes. You’ll find plenty of ice when you visit Alaska, including incredible sights such as the Mendenhall Ice Caves near Juneau. You can take guided tours through the caves to take in the almost magical-looking surroundings.
Of course, this is just a small selection of the incredible water features around the US, and there’s so much more to discover. But for water at home or at work, Mountain Park Spring Water have got you covered. Get in touch to find out about our spring water delivery service across North Carolina and Virginia.